07 Jan How to Know if it’s Time to Recaulk Your Bathroom
When you own a home, it can be difficult to know when you need to perform certain maintenance. One area of the home that we tend to ignore, often until it’s too late, is the bathroom. So, how do you know when it’s time to recaulk in your bathroom?
Mold and mildew
Because of the nature of a bathroom, it’s common to have excess moisture. Especially in areas around the sink and the tub. Make sure that you keep an eye on the caulking around the tub, shower, and sink in the bathroom. The issue is usually when cracks form in the caulking. When there are cracks, excess moisture can seep in and cause mold and mildew. If you notice cracks, or visible mold, you should replace the caulking immediately.
The best way to make sure you don’t develop mold in your bathroom, is to replace the caulking every 18 months. If cracks appear in the caulking earlier than 18 months, replace it early.
Remove the old caulking
Wearing protective gloves, you’ll need to use a putty knife to carefully remove the old caulking and tightly seal it in a bag before disposing of it, especially if there is visible mold on the caulking before you remove it. If there’s excessive mold, it’s best to call a handyman and have them recaulk your tub and sink for you. If mold gets into the air when you’re removing the caulk, you could spread the mold to other areas of the bathroom and the rest of the home. In addition, inhaling the mold can cause major health problems.
Once the caulking has been removed, you’ll need to apply paint thinner to the area to remove any leftover caulk, and then dry the area thoroughly before continuing. If visible mold is present, you’ll need to disinfect the area with diluted bleach both before and after removing the existing caulk. Combine 1 quart of liquid bleach with 3 quarts of warm water and ⅓ cup of laundry detergent, to cleanse the area best. Once the mold turns white, you can wipe it away with a dry rag, and then remove the caulk. Repeat the process, and let dry, before you attempt to recaulk the tub or sink area.
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